How to make use of AI Chatbots to help with SOLIDWORKS everyday tasks?

日期:2024-08-08 10:03:47 發布者: 智誠科技ICT 瀏覽次數:

As we enjoy the warmth of summer, wouldn’t it be great if we could off load some of the tedious tasks, we need to do in SOLIDWORKS While the performance and efficiency in SOLIDWORKS have indeed improved over the years but sometimes tedious tasks can only relate to one particular need

For those who are unaware SOLIDWORKS support APIs. Using APIs, you can perform tasks like creating and modifying parts, assemblies and drawings as well as automating repetitive tasks and integrating SOLIDWORKS with other software. This makes it a valuable resource for developers looking to enhance their productivity and streamline their workflows.

However, I am no programmer. My programming skills stopped at the time in my Uni days. So, I decided to turn to AI Chatbot for help. AI Chatbots, are designed to assist with a variety of tasks, including coding. By leveraging the power of AI, these chatbots can generate code snippets to help me create APIs.    

With the recent hype on AI Chatbot, I wanted to give it a try. So, I tried it out with a simple task. Let’s say you’re working on an assembly in SOLIDWORKS, and you need to highlight all parts that weigh less than 6 grams. Instead of manually checking each part, I have asked an AI Chatbot to generate a VBA script that uses the SOLIDWORKS API to automatically highlight these parts in yellow.  


With AI evolving rapidly we could make use of this technology to help with our design development process and make our workflow more efficient. However, I believe AI won’t replace Engineers but people who can use it, will.

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